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--> ニッポンのprime music アプリの新しい時代が始まります/Piano Music for Little FingersPrimer【電子書籍】[ Ann Patrick Green ]

ニッポンのprime music アプリの新しい時代が始まります

TOP > Piano Music for Little FingersPrimer【電子書籍】[ Ann Patrick Green ]

Piano Music for Little FingersPrimer【電子書籍】[ Ann Patrick Green ]

<DIV>This is the introductory volume of a three-book set designed to guide young pianists from the most basic techniques and theory to a mastery of the easy classics. The Primer consists of ten lessons, each of which may be divided into smaller or larger segments as needed. Geared toward students ages 4 to 9, this refreshing series features classic <I>Family Circus</I> cartoons.<BR>"Of all the piano instruction books and courses out there, yours is the best by far, because it combines theory, fun, a wonderful variety of songs, and of course, the 5-point learning plan. Thank you for providing such a fantastic piano course for children!" ー Beverly Short, Santa Monica, California<BR>"You’ve really found a wonderful way of making music fun for children with your songs. The songs are infused with spirit, so it makes learning truly enjoyable for students." ー Monica Le, Fullerton, California<BR>"I love these books because they work! I have been using them for many years with children 4 years old and up. The big notes make note learning easy and the directions for teachers are clear and methodical. My students and their parents are excited as they graduate from one level to the next. These books truly teach little fingers to play! Thank you, Ann Patrick Green!" ー Carol Orozco, Fullerton, California<BR>"I use Ann Patrick Green's books with every student. The larger note size, the use of solfege note reading, the inclusion of theory and the way each book is organized makes teaching and learning easy and fun." ー Lisa Smith, piano teacher</DIV>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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