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--> ニッポンのprime music アプリの新しい時代が始まります/Basic Elements of MusicA Primer for Musicians, Music Teachers, and Students【電子書籍】[ Michael J. Pagliaro ]

ニッポンのprime music アプリの新しい時代が始まります

TOP > Basic Elements of MusicA Primer for Musicians, Music Teachers, and Students【電子書籍】[ Michael J. Pagliaro ]

Basic Elements of MusicA Primer for Musicians, Music Teachers, and Students【電子書籍】[ Michael J. Pagliaro ]

<p>Basic Elements of Music introduces readers to a wide range of knowledge essential for a well-rounded understanding of music. This primer surveys the history of music and the composers who made that history; the history of instrument families and how the instruments function; an introduction to the science of sound and sound production; the various types of ensembles; and the fundamentals of music theory, form in music, musical notation, and music vocabulary.</p> <p>Accessible, yet detailed and comprehensive, Michael Pagliaro’s handbook is an excellent guide for music lovers, instructors, and students in any music program. As an introduction to music for the layman, a refresher for music teachers planning lessons, or an enrichment source for professional musicians seeking broader music knowledge, this book is an invaluable addition to any library.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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