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--> ニッポンのprime music アプリの新しい時代が始まります/Hugo Ch?vez, Al? Primera and VenezuelaThe Politics of Music in Latin America【電子書籍】[ Hazel Marsh ]

ニッポンのprime music アプリの新しい時代が始まります

TOP > Hugo Ch?vez, Al? Primera and VenezuelaThe Politics of Music in Latin America【電子書籍】[ Hazel Marsh ]

Hugo Ch?vez, Al? Primera and VenezuelaThe Politics of Music in Latin America【電子書籍】[ Hazel Marsh ]

<p>Unlike much of the literature on Venezuela in the Ch?vez period, this book shifts focus away from 'top down' perspectives to examine how Venezuelan folksinger Al? Primera (1942-1985) became intertwined with Venezuelan politics, both during his lifetime and posthumously. Al?’s ‘Necessary Songs’ offered cultural resources that enabled Ch?vez to connect with pre-existing patterns of grassroots activism in ways that resonated deeply with the poor and marginalised masses. Official support for Al?’s legacy led the songs to be used in new ways in the Ch?vez period, as Venezuelans actively engaged with them to redefine themselves in relation to the state and to reach new understandings of their place within a changed society. This book is essential reading not only for those interested in popular music and politics, but for all those seeking to better understand how Ch?vez was able to successfully identify himself so profoundly with the Venezuelan masses, and they with him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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