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--> PRIME: The Beef Cookbook【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】|prime beefを楽天携帯ショップでポイント倍増

PRIME: The Beef CookbookFollowing the bestselling Hog comes Prime. This fantastic book is an ode to all things beef from the ultimate authority in meat cookery. Beef is the star of many people's all-time favourite meals - from steak or a cheeseburger to roast beef with all the trimmings. In Prime, beef expert Richard H. Turner will impart his recipes for these timeless classics, as well as sharing new ways in which to enjoy this fantastic ingredient in all it's forms. Covering every cut, every style of preparation and with recipes from the world over - not to mention features on bovine breeds, butchering, buying your meat and more, Prime is everything you'd want in a beef cookbook. Some of the mouth-watering recipes include: - Burmese beef curry - New York veal parmigiana - Salt beef - Smoked brisket - Bone marrow dumplings - Chilean empanadas - Carbonnade flamande... plus many, many more!Dimensions: 25.4 x 20.57 x 3.05 centimetres (1.34 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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ショップ Excellent Imports
税込価格 14,537円